Dutch Hunger Winter happened on November 1944. It was World War II between Neatherlands and German. Germans took control of the food and sent it to Germany so the Dutch people were hangry. The infants that survived the Hunger Winter, suffered from malnutrition. First study was that Scientists looked and the grown adults that were born during this awful time period. Second study showed the schyzophrenia,where was found found that genetics plays major role if this ilness will develop or no.
When two identical twins are born and one of them has schyzophrenia, the other within has a 50% chance of having it, too.
It was also found that babies that were born on beginning of this time period were born smaller, while babies conceived at the end of this period had normal size.
When mothers were malnourished in pregnancy they had higher rates of obesity and shyzophrenia.
Schyzophrenia causes hallucinations, delusions and difficulties to mentally focus, and people suffered from schyzophrenia are not able to distinguish between reality and the other world.
Epigenetics is when DNA isn't the only factor in what is happening.
Based on the Dutch Hunger Winter it can be observed that most of the affected people could have been born healthy.
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